Monday, July 28, 2008

Extinct Blog of the Day

In fairness, this blog had a post a month or so ago, but as I'm in charge of the selective criteria for what constitutes a retired blog... Messenger and Advocate is a Mormon blog about politics and law. The last couple of posts were about the LDS church's response to the California constitutional amendment initiative seeking to nullify all same sex marriages and revert back to their previous Heteros only definition.

Apparently the LDS Church sent out an official memo of sorts to be read in "sacrament meetings" urging the congregation's support of the amendment. Far out. This guy's blog links to an article in the San Fran Chronicle talking about it.

Though I recognize that it's perfectly within the church's right to engage in political advocacy of this nature, I'd be lying if I said it didn't creep me out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sad. Where will I get my LDS gossip now? I wonder why he quit blogging. Maybe 3rd wife is taking up too much of his time nowadays.