Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Internet is a Series of Tubes -- Linking to Your Indictment

In an event only surprising for its timing, Senator Ted Stevens (R - AK) was formally indicted today on seven counts of making false statements.

Though it's already been a rough day for him I can't help but link to everyone's favorite Ted Stevens moment. If, somehow, you haven't heard it before, you're in for a treat.


Anonymous said...

I have to go with your man Aaron on this one: my money's on Kathleen Sebelius for Obama's VP. With B.O. catching so much flack for being somewhat left of center, he needs a right-o-center Dem to balance the ticket (and K.S. is fairly conservative for a Democrat; otherwise, how would she have made governor in the Land of Dorothy & Auntie Em?).

DP said...

I'm not seeing it. Obama's probably not winning Kansas, and since Iowa's in the bag it's not even that important. She's not nationally recognizable, and Hillary dead enders would view it is some sort of slap in the face. As a degenerate gambler, I'd offer 8:1 against without batting an eye.