Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Democrats Are Still Pro-Choice...Right?

Why won't any Democrat mention abortion except to say that everyone thinks it's not an ideal outcome, and talk about the new, pointless, "abortion reduction" plank in the platform?

This is just another classic example of the political axiom of the last 15 years: It's the Republican's field, and the Democrats are lucky they get to play on it. Why let them frame this debate?

This is how to frame the debate: You know what John McCain wants to do? He wants to imprison women who get abortions, and\or doctors who perform them. Do you know anyone who's had an abortion? I bet you do. He wants to charge them with a crime. Think that's a good idea? You think prohibition against abortion is going to work? How'd it work with alcohol? How's the War on Drugs going? What in the whole wide world makes you think that this will work any better and be any more enforceable? Remember: He's GOING to throw women and their doctors IN PRISON. Is that what you want? This should be repeated at every conceivable opportunity, all the time, by everyone in the Democratic Party.

Watching Democrats be weak on this position fucking infuriates me. It would be one thing if this were an electorally untenable proposition, but every poll I've ever seen on the issue puts the support for overturning Roe v Wade at around 40%. I'm pissed off even thinking about it.

1 comment:

PW said...

I would have thought that the recent effort to have contraception classified as abortion led by the White House would have earned a place somewhere above this comment. I agree that this should, really should, be a winning issue upon which the Democrats should be pouncing like an angry cougar.