Sunday, August 17, 2008

Meet the Press Review

Host: David Gregory
Guests: Condi Rice (segment one)
Bobby Jindal and Tim Kaine (segment two)
Political Roundtable: Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, Josh Green

Condi -- Russia had better be good or we're going to revoke it's driving privileges and put them in time out.
Bobby -- Vote for McCain or I'm going to perform an exorcism on you in my living room.
Tim -- Virginia's an awesome state, and anybody who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about. By the way, vote for Obama and me for vice president.
Chuck -- If you subtract Obama's negatives from the total number of states that McCain
has TV advertising in, and divide that number by the most recent Gallup tracking poll plus 3x the square root of pi it will tell you the location of the fountain of youth.
Andrea -- If you talk to people close to the campaign-- they'll tell you the exact same thing I'm about to.
Josh -- God, I love writing articles that everyone's talking about. Thank God everyone would still rather talk about the dysfunctional Clinton campaign than anything vaguely relevant.
David -- God, I love hosting meet the press. If these guys talk for another 30 seconds I won't even have to think about an obvious follow up question to the blatant lie that guy just told. Man, I really hope they invite me back next week.

God save us all.

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