Thursday, September 4, 2008

About What You'd Expect

I guess that, after the whole “Let’s praise Clinton” thing didn’t work out so well for Palin and McCain, they’ve settled on “Let us change the mess we made.” I’m having a hard time following the RNC this year. It’s just exactly what I expected. Palin excited the kinds of people who go to the RNC and everyone else seems confused. The DNC this year had a lot of drama – how will the Obama/Clinton reconciliation come together? The RNC is just … well, dull. Fred Thompson? Rudy Giuliani? Eight minutes of Bush? I’ll be curious to see what McCain says today. The media certainly said that Obama had to bring something new in his speech – and he did. Will expectations of McCain be the same? Is there any chance that McCain will bring up a single policy proposal? Does the McCain campaign have anything to say besides “just not Obama”? Palin has excited the base – do they have anything for anyone else?

On a side not, The Daily Show last night was fantastic. Living abroad, it’s hard to keep up on what’s going on in the world of television. The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are both available in streaming versions that are accessible from all over the world. NBC and Fox’s Hulu and Turner’s Adult Swim streaming versions aren’t available outside the US. They should take a note.

1 comment:

PW said...

It might just be that it's nearing the end of the summer and I'm losing my perspective, but it seems like The Daily Show has been in some sort of golden age ever since the NYT profile of Jon Stuart a few weeks ago. Good stuff!!