Sunday, September 28, 2008

By the Numbers

I could embellish these numbers with several hundred words, but they really don't require that. Obama emerges with a statistically significant lead, Palin's favorability ratings plunge to -10, mostly stopping there because that's as low as the poll allows them to go...

Read em and weep (or cheer, as appropriate) at Kos.

The obvious ground for speculation rests with what McPalin do next. I've been rather surprised by the number of calls for Palin to withdraw- I can't see her doing that. McCain might as well suspend his campaign for real if she does, unless he can resurrect Ronald Reagan and convince him to take the job. On the other hand, allowing her more press time seems to be nearly as damaging. I'm actually glad I don't have to resolve that one.

Having decisively lost the debate, and with Palin turning into an anchor of the first order, it will be interesting to see what they come up with for next week.

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