Monday, September 1, 2008

Handing Over

Unless I get inspired tonight, this will be my last post as the site administrator at TPBP. It will also be the last post in which I offer an opinion about most domestic or international political issues. Though, I just realized I don't really have any opinions to give...perhaps I should get it all out of my system:
Funding schools with property tax revenue is a terrible idea.
FISA worked by all accounts.
Iraq having a budget surplus isn't a bad thing.
God save me, but T. Boone Pickens is right, drill or don't drill, but the question itself is largely irrelevant.
McCain made a horrible mistake with Palin. I think things might get so bad that he dumps her.
Antonin Scalia is a bad, bad man, and an even worse Supreme Court Justice.
Torture is ethically wrong and practically unproductive.
War with Russia would be a terrible idea.
War with Iran would be a terrible idea.
Public sabre rattling with Russia is inherently destabilizing.
Making abortion illegal is a bad policy idea, regardless or your ethical leanings.
You should vote for Obama in November unless he subsequently kills a drifter while campaigning in Michigan.
No, really, please vote for him. I don't know what I'll do if he loses.

That's all folks. Fear not, as TPBP will continue on and will be better than ever in the coming days and weeks.

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