Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to Those at Home

I hope you guys all enjoy your day off. I got the unmitigated joy of dealing with my twelfth graders. It's almost as good as mashed potatoes and gravy with the family. It was kind of surprising the number of people who knew about Thanksgiving, even over here in Eastern Europe. And I got to draw hand-turkeys with my students: always a hit.


PW said...

Aaron, it's always heartening to hear you doing your job as cultural ambassador.

I hope you managed to have a memorable meal at some point!

Aaron said...

Spreading American cultural awareness is one of the Peace Corps three goals! I do what I can to ensure that my students know about all of our major holidays. Except Presidents Day. It knows what it did.

No meal last night, I’m afraid, but Saturday a bunch of volunteers are getting together for a meal. I haven’t decided what I’m going to make, but it will likely be delicious. Hooray for holiday bus travel.

Unknown said...

My non-British western European colleagues became aware of Thanksgiving because it appears in a good number of motion pictures.

My British colleagues were all too eager to share their "real version" of the Boston Tea Party, which was apparently withheld from a good number of Americans. That is, the version where the Brits ended the tea tax, and the tea smugglers (who could no longer profit from the black market) were the ones who threw legitimate tea cargo in protest.