Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The President Has Added You as a Friend

The soon-to-be Obama administration has a plan to use its ten million strong email list once it takes up residence at the White House, according to the Washington Post. The Post suggests that we could see weekly addresses via streaming video or other vague and largely unspecified “new media” ideas. I can’t see this evolving into a kind of White House-sanctioned Daily Kos, but it is an interesting development. I could easily see Obama using their lists of emails to solicit political pressure on Congress. It’s going to be an interesting development to watch, and with the massive success of Obama’s fundraising, I doubt that anyone is going to let this drop off the map.

It also mentions that the Obama campaign used their email list as collateral for a loan that they didn’t end up taking out. That just seems insane. It’s unbelievable how much further out ahead of the game the Obama team was compared with everybody else.

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