Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Stupidest Story No One Will Quit Talking About

I'm tired of everyone freaking out over whether Rod Blagojevich will appoint someone to the U.S. Senate while he's out on bail. Sorry to ruin it for you, but he won't. There are so many reasons this won't happen that I won't waste the time it would take to go through all of them, but the most important one is:
1) No one he would appoint would serve if they were even semi-legitimate, they'd quickly decline the appointment. Anyone that accepted the seat would have no future in electoral politics (which is kind of a deterrent).

If this guy understands anything, it's how to act in his own best interest (ignoring the stupidity of doing it in such a blatantly illegal manner of course). He's got to be acutely aware that there is no possible benefit he could accrue by flippantly appointing someone. This guy might be an idiot, but he's pretty likely looking a lengthy prison term in the face, and something tells me he's not in a hurry to do the one thing most likely to make people think he's even more of a despicable criminal.


Unknown said...

What bothers me about this story is that the media doesn't give the slightest clue as to why the wiretap was in place. Did they find what they were looking for, or were they looking for evidence of something else? Does that not interest readers?

DP said...

I should probably link to something (but I'm getting ready for work and it's early), but I'm almost sure they were simply investigating a bonanza of pay-to-play allegations involving various pieces of legislation. This guy's been dogged by corruption allegations for much longer than the wider American public has been aware of him.

Anonymous said...

Another reason no one would take the appointment (except maybe Paris Hilton) is because even after appointment, the Senate still has to seat the appointee.