Friday, January 2, 2009

Extinct Blog of the Day

Today's blog belongs to "padutch" who founded the Amish Blog. Founded might be too strong a word, as the blog only contained one post -- about the killing of 10 children at an Amish school that occurred in 2006. This blog was apparently a resource for those curious about the Amish, though it's origins and purpose are a bit clouded, as you'll see if you check it out.

In what can now safely be called a pattern, despite the blog's singular post, there were 36 comments, and multiple front page ads, which would indicate a fair amount of traffic. It would seem that I continue to pick Extinct Blogs that had far more notoriety, sometimes even in death, than TPBP has in life. But fear not TPBP community, as our fame is quietly biding its time.

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