Monday, January 12, 2009

Bush's Last Conference

George Bush gave his final press conference today, and you can watch all 47 minutes of misunderestimated glory on CSPAN.

Bush has famously hated press conferences, and it's been months since his last one. Hating the press really isn't a good trait for a national leader, but it's funny watching Bush come to terms with his impending departure- strangely, he's really never looked more presidential than he did today. With nothing left to prove, and with his policy opinions on the verge of becoming irrelevant, he has finally relaxed. You can see it in his shoulders. He actually knew everyone's name in the press room, and some of his off the cuff remarks were actually humorous.

On the other hand, he still can't speak English very well, and his insights seem a little underwhelming. "We haven't we got peace in the Middle East? Well, it's been a long time since we had peace in the Middle East." Hmm.

Of similar interest, Dana Perino was on The Daily Show a couple of days ago. She holds the company line, and gives some sense of what it's like in the bunker in these closing days of the administration.

Is it January 20th yet?


Anonymous said...

I want to see Dana Perino on TDS after January 20th. I'm curious to see if she actually has a personality or not.

DP said...

I'm saddened that I'm steering the comments (much less the post) in this direction, but am I the only one that finds Perino to be almost distractingly good-looking?

Anonymous said...

Not as sexy as Scott McClellan was.

Aaron said...

Mmm, I'd like to take a bite out of that Pillsbury Dough Boy