Sunday, February 1, 2009

Learning From Past Mistakes

New RNC Chair Michael Steele did the talk show circuit this morning, and has presented the nation with his new vision for the Republican Party...except that it's the same as the current vision of the Republican Party.

I can't say this astonishes me. But does anyone out there feel like the reason the Republicans were just handed their electoral heads has a lot to do with their "failure to lead," Steele's stated reason?

It seems to me like they did rather too much leading, and most of it in direction I would categorize as "very wrong." No need to learn anything from that NYT map showing you with 5 states still in the Republican column, or the voices even from within the party suggesting you're in danger of becoming a regional rather than a national organization. Haven't you noticed how much your delegation has appreciated being included in governing decisions by President Obama this past week?

Enjoy your time in the wilderness. You might want to start getting comfortable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sure is quiet in here.