Thursday, April 23, 2009

Commenter Greg Bringing the Weak Sauce

You may remember commenter Greg and his cut-and-paste shilling for Sarah Palin from this post. His comments were barely relevant to the post, and he didn't formulate any argument at all, except that she remains popular to some minority of the American people, which no one had disagreed with.

Nevertheless, I tried to engage the weak sauce, partly because we don't get a lot of Sarah Palin fans on the site, but also because (and perhaps this is evidence of a lack of ideological diversity in my everyday life) I don't regularly talk to anyone who sees her as a capable leader. You'd think he'd take the time to reply, as that would further his aims of mindless promotion. Hell, maybe he'd even convert a reader or two with his brilliant rhetoric, lining the pockets of SarahPac in the process.

Alas, it turns out he's just like her, fleeting and vacuous.

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