Monday, July 28, 2008

McCain Ad Reactions

Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo Media had this post talking about MSM response to McCain's most recent ad. Sadly predictable I guess. It's hard to see how it's a good thing when media outlets go out of their way to be fundamentally uninforming.

I should mention that if you're unfamiliar with TPM you really should check it out. When I first began regularly reading political blogs a couple of years ago TPM was among the first ones I read, (on the advice of my friend Van Dorn). I've barely missed a post since then. Josh Marshall is, in my opinion, the most insightful person writing blog commentary anywhere on the web.


PW said...

The competitive horse race must be maintained! Much of the MSM, the good people who purport to remain undecided about whether or not global warming is a real phenomenon, will go so far to maintain their aura of impartiality as to be in many cases unwilling to focus on campaign "spin" - let alone more egregious distortions. Here's an interesting thread that some political scientists have been chasing on the Huffington Post for a few days, detailing a debate over whether or not the election is already effectively over. While media are rightly reluctant to anoint candidates victors, they also have their own reasons for attempting to make campaigns seem equivalent and balanced whether or not they deserve such consideration.

Aaron said...

It's strange to watch all of this unfold from Bulgaria, where I can see blogs and read ABOUT the media coverage of the race, but not actually be able to see it. From here, it seems amazing that McCain is still in the race and hasn't been laughed off the stage.

One of my biggest complaints with the American political landscape is definitely this idea that, "Steve says this, but Bill says that, and isn't that an interesting argument." I realize this isn't exactly an original idea, but it is a very frustrating one. It doesn't have to be like this, of course, and hopefully it will change.

It just makes me wonder how things look back home. Like I said, everybody here is in the bag for Obama already, but it seems strange that McCain, this far out from the election, is running such ugly and transparently wrong ads. It does, however, feel nice to see him revealed as the sleazy pol he always was.

Also, you're welcome.