Monday, September 8, 2008

Too Fast, Too Slow

Matt Yglesias, noting that most automobile accidents are caused by people driving too fast, suggests that we simply legislate it and make automobiles that can’t drive faster than, say, 75 miles per hour. This seems like a not at all bad idea that has zero chance of ever becoming a law. Democrats already have a problem being seen as overeducated killjoy girly men. Do we really want to hand the Republicans an issue where the Republicans can reinforce that idea? This is a quintessentially ‘Murican issue.

Optics aside, I do think it’s a good idea. I’ve been in cars that were going close to and (briefly) over 100 miles per hour, and I can attest: that wasn’t safe. Of course, in addition to those reckless escapades, I also wish the US would invest more in a light rail infrastructure (I use it all the time! It’s really great! You guys should check it out!), so my judgment is clearly skewed. There really aren’t any good reasons why people should be able to go faster than we can reasonably expect them to react to a sudden change in the situation. You can’t drive a car with snow chains on it in June, why should you be able to drive at 120 miles per hour? Aren’t they both hazards to people and infrastructure?

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