Sunday, October 19, 2008

Missing the Point

So smilin' Sarah Palin finally confronted her nemesis, in the most fleeting possible way, on SNL last night. Most of the coverage addressing her appearance has dwelt on the idea that Palin is somehow demonstrating what a good sport she can be, but I come away from the video above thinking rather that she personally contributed to a joke she still isn't quite all the way IN on.

Witty repartee with Alec Baldwin? Governor, you're running for vice president- besting an actor can only be a hollow victory. A situation made worse, then, by the fact that you patently failed to best him: He accuses you of being a "horrible person," you respond that you've always preferred his brother's acting?

And the dancing to the moose-rap thing? Yes, you looked like the cool mom up there, but you looked like that already. What the US wants to see from you is some indication of gravitas behind the winsome public facade.

I guess I would have liked to see Palin confront Fey, or at least field a couple of humorous questions from the fake news conference. On the whole, SNL proved to be yet another Palin tour de faiblesse.

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