Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Well, Election ’08 has officially gotten underway: a tiny town in New Hampshire has opened the polls. I live in Eastern Europe at the moment, so I voted absentee this year, about three weeks ago. It’s somewhat anticlimactic to mail off an absentee ballot. You don’t even get that voting sticker. At any rate, it’s interesting that the final voting is actually really here. At some points, back during the primary, it seemed like it would never get here. Now that we can look forward to a truly monumental moment in American history: the first time I have ever voted for a winning presidential candidate.

This will be the first time I haven’t stayed up to watch the poll results, too – I have to be at work early tomorrow morning. It should be exciting. We’re likely to know fairly soon whether or not Obama has it wrapped up, though. According to Five Thirty Eight, if McCain loses in Virginia, Georgia, Florida or Ohio it’d be very, very tough for him to pull it off. It just looks like McCain is really stuck with some long odds here. Ah, well. Such is the way of the world.

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